How To Get Rid Of Gray Hair – Most Effective Remedies

Top Best methods on How to Get Rid of Gray Hair : The Natural color of your hair greatly depends on the presence of a color pigment called melanin. As you grow older, the cells responsible for producing melanin slowly die, thus decreasing the production of melanin.

Aside from this natural process of graying, other factors can also lead to premature graying of hair like stress, smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeine-laden beverages and more.

At some point in our lives, the natural color of our hair will eventually disappear and be replaced by graying or white hair.

However, many young people nowadays are suffering from premature graying of hair before they even reach their 30s. This may pose issues concerning self-esteem and may even cause a person’s self-confidence to be hampered.

Here are some quick and easy remedies to get rid of gray hair:

Fenugreek seeds and coconut oil

The combination of fenugreek seeds which contain lecithin and amino acid, together with vitamin rich coconut oil is an easy and affordable treatment for graying hair. Boil half a cup of coconut oil and add ¼ cup of fenugreek seeds.

After the seeds have been infused for 8 to 10 minutes, remove the seeds and let the oil cool down until it’s warm enough to be massaged onto the hair and scalp. Leave it overnight and rinse off with shampoo and conditioner. Do this for three weeks to treat gray hair.


A staple in everyone’s kitchen, onions can also be used to treat gray hair. Onions contain the enzyme catalase that helps break down the natural hydrogen peroxide in our hair, thus restoring the hair’s natural color.

To use this, peel and blend a medium-sized onion until it has the consistency of a soft puree. Strain the puree with a muslin cloth and extract the juice.

Apply the juice to your hair and scalp and leave it on for one and a half hours. Rinse with shampoo. Repeat this process three times a week for one month.

Indian Gooseberry, Lemon Juice and Almond Oil

As dirt and other pollutants build up on the scalp, color pigments are also damaged, causing premature graying of the hair.

A good source of vitamin C is Indian gooseberry. Vitamin C aids in detoxifying your scalp to help prevent gray hair.

Lemon juice is also a great source of vitamin C. Almond oil has magnesium which also nourishes the hair and keeps it healthy.

Blend three Indian gooseberries until it forms a paste. Strain and extract the juice. In a bowl, combine the juice from the Indian gooseberries with 3 teaspoons of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of almond oil.

Mix well and apply liberally onto the hair and scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse well with water and shampoo. Repeat the process thrice a week for three weeks to see significant results.

Coconut oil and lemon juice

Coconut oil has always been a popular hair treatment. It contains natural oils that condition and strengthen the hair, keeping it well-nourished which delays the process of graying hair. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C which helps keep cells responsible for the pigments healthy.

To apply this simple natural remedy, heat 2 tablespoons of coconut oil to a warm temperature, remove the oil from heat and add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to it.

Liberally apply the solution onto the hair and scalp and leave on for 30 minutes.

Wash with shampoo and water. Repeat twice a week for best results.

Getting rid of gray hair is possible with proper care and maintenance. The Gray Hair No More system specifically tackles issues on how to get rid of gray hair without using expensive and harmful chemicals.

This system has been proven to help you regain your self-confidence as well as get your hair color back using natural methods.

It’s a comprehensive but easy to learn method, backed by years of expertise in studying the process of graying hair and how to stop it.

With this method, you won’t have to worry about hiding your gray hair anymore. If hair salons have been your regular go-to when strands of gray start peeping through your mane, you don’t have to worry about it anymore as the Gray Hair No More system will help you.

What’s good about this package is that it also includes self-help books that discuss common concerns of men and women going through the phase of growing unwanted gray hair.

Not only that, it also features great books about caring for your hair, treating hair loss, how to get youthful looking skin, fashion trends and more.

All of these can be accessed easily in the comfort and privacy of your home. By just paying a one-time fee of $37, you get to have your natural hair back plus more.

One thought on “How To Get Rid Of Gray Hair – Most Effective Remedies

  • May 21, 2017 at 12:50 pm

    Gray hair is most commonly caused due to age, however smoking, alcohol consumption, and many other factors can be a cause as well; we can get rid of gray hair for only a specific period of time since the melanin production in our body cells slowly stops, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t extend that period of time as much as possible.


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