Vitamins for Gray Hair Reversal

Vitamins for gray hair reversal

Sometimes it is possible to reverse gray hair naturally. Here we take a look at the best vitamins for gray hair reversal and how you can get them from your diet or the supplements you could take.

It is human nature to want to look your best and young as much as possible. If we can only turn back the hands of time, so to speak, most of us would gladly do that to keep a youthful look and glow. One clear sign of youth and good health is a good full head of hair that is healthy, shiny and colorful.

Graying hair used to be an old lady’s problem. Especially when women hit their 50’s and onward, as advancing age is the major contributing factor for graying hair. Now, even teens and those in young adulthood can have gray hair. Men and women, young and old alike, are not spared from this condition.

While some people have learned to embrace their gray hair, there are still those who are not big fans of them – especially those who get them early. These people are often those who visit the salon every six weeks to have their hair colored or those who buy boxed hair dyes. Dyeing can damage our hair as it makes it appear dry and leave it fragile as it contains chemicals.

Good thing there’s a way we can reverse gray hair naturally!

Below we describe the key causes of gray hair, and the key vitamins that will help prevent it. For those who are serious about gray hair reversal, you’ll want to make sure you have all your bases covered… the Gray Hair No More system is for you! That system comprehensively describes how to get rid of gray hair naturally.

Causes of Gray Hair

Vitamin Deficiency

Not having the right diet can hinder the absorption of nutrients in our body. The lack of the right vitamins such as vitamin B12 and Vitamin D can speed up the process of our hair to gray. Getting the right vitamins can truly help slow down our hair from growing.


Woman with gray hair

This is the most common cause of getting gray hair. As we age, the amount of melanin in our system deteriorates. Melanin is a pigment produced by melanocytes and is responsible for giving color in our hair and skin.


You may inherit this from your parents or other relatives. You may try to ask and check if your hair started to gray the same time as them.


Smoking is not only bad for your lungs, but for your hair too. This is also the most common cause of gray hair in younger people who are in their early 20s. Also, keep in mind that secondhand smoking can also affect your hair too.


Although it’s not entirely the cause, stress plays a role that can contribute to gray hair. According to studies, the hormones linked to stress affects the production of melanin in our system.


 Vitamins for Gray Hair Reversal

Eating food with the right vitamins and nutrients may help reverse gray hair.

Food enriched in vitamins

Vitamin B12

When you have a Vitamin B12 deficiency, you may notice gray hair growing on your hair even when you’re on your early 20’s or 30’s. Vitamin B12 is essential to our health.  It retains normal brain function, supports the production of red blood cells and DNA, and keeps out nerves healthy. If you feel that this may be the cause of your hair to gray, then take note of these Vitamin B12 fortified foods:

  • Shellfish
  • Liver
  • Kidneys
  • Red meat
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dairy


Vitamin B6

This vitamin can be a great help to reverse gray hair since it increases protein absorption. This plays a significant role in reversing gray hair because our hair follicles will receive all the needed amino acids required to make keratin and melanin.

Here are some examples of sources of vitamin b6:

  • Sunflower seeds
  • Fish
  • Turkey
  • Pistachios
  • Bananas
  • Potatoes
  • Chickpeas


Vitamin B9

The lack of Vitamin B9 or folic acid can lead to early development of gray hair. This has a lot of similarities to Vitamin B6 as it also increases our metabolism and absorption to protein. It also helps cells to work properly and create new protein. Having enough folic acid in your system can help reverse gray hair.

Make sure to eat these following foods that are enriched in Vitamin B9:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Beans
  • Legumes
  • Lentils
  • Dark green vegetables
  • Carrots
  • Sunflower seeds


A comprehensive system for Reducing Gray Hairs

If you want to make sure you have all your bases covered, and are following best practices for reducing gray hairs, then the Gray Hair No More system is for you.

This system is designed to help you get rid of gray hair naturally, so you can avoid using expensive and harmful chemicals.

Regain your self-confidence as well as get your hair color back using natural methods!

You can learn more about Gray Hair No More here.



We can’t help the clock from ticking when we grow old, wrinkly, and our hair turning gray. But we can delay its onset by eating healthy food, avoiding stressful situations and learning to cope with dignity and grace, leading a healthy lifestyle by avoiding smoking and excessive drinking. Having a proper diet can be beneficial to your health from hair to toe.

You can get them from your diet, or from supplements, but if try to ensure you’re getting the above mentioned vitamins for gray hair reversal.

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